Pastor - Katie Rodriguez Worship Hours Sunday Worship Service - 10:00 AM Wednesday TV Minstry - 7:00 PM **JOIN US FOR COFFEE AND FELLOWSHIP, COFFEE IS SERVED Before Sunday WORSHIP SERVICE, 701-324-2548 [email protected]
Live Stream and YouTube Directions: To Listen to Harvey First Lutheran Livestream Service, please click on orange tab Below for Facebook or Click orange Tab below for the YouTube Video.
"We invite you to support the ministries of First Lutheran Church of Harvey."
Due to issues beyond our control, our Facebook Live Stream is currently not working - will get updated as soon as we are able to. Sorry for any inconvenience, please use our YouTube Worship/funeral livestream as needed.
Time & Talent for Sunday, February 16, 2025 Ushers: Breya Hanson Family Reader: Hanson Family Communion: Hanson Family Treats: Lacey Becker
Time & Talent for Sunday, February 23, 2025 Ushers: Tim & Beth Huseth Reader: Tim Huseth Communion: Beth Huseth Treats: Heather Mayer
First Lutheran is always looking for new people to give of their time and talents. If you would like to help with ushering/greeting, reading, serving communion or providing Sunday morning treats, please contact The Church Office.
First Lutheran is Looking for individuals, including youth, interested in learning to run the sound system and cameras for Sunday Morning worship services. Please contact the church office if this is something you would be interested in. Thank you!
We invite you to include our church on your gift list this year by contributing to the upgrade of our worship screen experience.
· Improve brightness with better ceiling mounted projector · Reposition screen to higher level for better viewing · Provide ‘confidence monitor’ for worship leader · Clean up cord clutter in the Sanctuary
We are offering 550 squares for $20.00 each. (Check out the poster in the narthex for more details.) Please make checks payable to 1st Lutheran Church - Screen Update. Get your square(s) before they are gone!
Sunday, February 9 Fifth Sunday after Epiphany Bold Women/Thankoffering Sunday 9:00 Sunday School 9:00 Choir Practice 10:00 Worship/Communion/Kids Sing/Noisy Offering 12:00 Confirmation Class
Monday, February 10 10:00 Men's Coffee 1:00 Quilting 6:00 Building & Grounds Meeting
Tuesday, February 11 10:00 Men's Coffee
Wednesday, February 12 9:00 to 4:00 Giving Hearts Day - Help make tie Blankets for Nursing Home residents at First International Bank - Stop in anytime! 10:00 Men's Coffee 10:30 Bible Conversations in the Basement Lounge 5:30 Music & Worship Meeting 7:00 TV Ministry Outreach
Thursday, February 13 Bulletin Announcements Due by 11:00 10:00 Men's Coffee 1:00 Food Pantry 7:00 Women & Word at the parsonage
Friday, February 14 Happy Valentines Day 10:00 Men's Coffee 9:30 Women's Group in the Basement Lounge
Sunday, February 16 6th Sunday after Epiphany 9:00 Sunday School 9:00 Choir Practice 9:00 Silent Auction for Camperships 10:00 Worship/Communion 11:00 Metigoshe in Motion - Day Camp
Monday, February 17 Presidents Day 10:00 Men's Coffee 1:00 Quilting
Tuesday, February 18 10:00 Men's Coffee
Wednesday, February 19 1:30 Nursing Home Bible Study 7:00 TV Ministry Outreach
Thursday, February 20 Bulletin Announcements Due by 11:00 10:00 Men's Coffee 7:00 Theology on Tap at the Town Tavern
Friday, February 21 10:00 Men's Coffee 9:30 Women's Group in the Basement Lounge
Saturday, February 22 10:00 Men's Coffee
Sunday, February 23 7th Sunday after Epiphany 9:00 NO Sunday School 9:00 Choir Practice 10:00 Worship/Communion
Future Dates to Note: March 5 - Ash Wednesday 5:30/6:30 Soup Supper and Worship
Work is being done to transition our traditional women’s “Work Groups” to a new concept that will include and involve ALL members of our church family. The upgrade will enable us to use these groups for all missions within the confines of our church, and not just be limited to what the “Women’s Groups” do now.
A couple of examples –
▪ Instead of just women working a funeral, our groups will now include men, women, families. ▪ The revised groups will be involved in tasks beyond the kitchen – for example, church cleaning.
We look forward to getting “First Lutheran Church Mission Groups” organized and functioning in the near future.