Pastor - Katie Rodriguez Worship Hours Sunday Worship Service - 10:00 AM **JOIN US FOR COFFEE AND FELLOWSHIP, COFFEE IS SERVED Before Sunday WORSHIP SERVICE, 701-324-2548 [email protected]
Live Stream and YouTube Directions: To Listen to Harvey First Lutheran Livestream Service, please click on orange tab Below for Facebook or Click orange Tab below for the YouTube Video.
"We invite you to support the ministries of First Lutheran Church of Harvey."
Time & Talent for Sunday, November 10, 2024 Ushers: Diazee Loen & Family Reader: Loen Family Communion: Loen Family Treats: Heather Mayer
First Lutheran is always looking for new people to give of their time and talents. If you would like to help with ushering/greeting, reading, serving communion or providing Sunday morning treats, please contact The Church Office.
First Lutheran is Looking for individuals, including youth, interested in learning to run the sound system and cameras for Sunday Morning worship services. Please contact the church office if this is something you would be interested in. Thank you!
Thanks to Melvin and Grace Arndt for delivering the Lutheran World Relief Items to Minot from where they will be driven to the warehouse in Minneapolis and then distributed to places where they are needed in foreign countries and the U.S. Thanks to those who contributed items for the kits; fabric, sheets, etc. for the quilts; and to those who helped assemble the quilts and kits. This October we sent 15 School Kits, 23 Baby Care Kits, and 105 quilts which is quite remarkable considering that these were made since the middle of May.
What I’ve learned this past year. *First Lutheran Church is a community of caring, passionate generous people. · When FLC has a physical need… elevator, fuel, quilting… We show up. · When our facility is asked to provide space…. We show up. · When we decide mental health is important… We show up. · When we host TRUNK or TREAT…. We show up. · When a CARNIVAL is planned... We show up. · When our LYO has a fundraiser… We show up. · When someone is grieving… We show up. · If we need a cup of coffee… We show up.
The only real struggle is weekly offering to meet our daily needs. I’m optimistic that with our vision, mission plan formulated we will take the next step to create our future. Please attend October 13 @ 4p-6p in the fellowship hall. TOGETHER WE WILL CREATE OUR FUTURE.